Thursday, May 6, 2010

Strumpet, 1790

Strumpet, or "The Monthly Rag" as it was known to its readers, infused itself with "all things that a tart, trollope or prostitute should know."  Articles covered the the practicle (That Ooze Coming From Your Cooz, Diseases of Love That You Should See A Barber About) as well as the Whimsical - the serialized version of "Peter's Explorations of Virginia" - were also popular.

In 1865 the magazine changed its name to The Hooker's Monthly.  Publication ceased in 1968 when the concept of "Free Love" really became free to all. Outstanding content and the magazine's staff were then merged with Business Weeky, since "screwing someone over for a healthy profit" now happened in Board Rooms around the world.


  1. i agree with her, except i think ㊋㊣㉃㉃㈼㋛㋐㋾.

  2. Someone pulled their comments. Quite possibly because they are using an asian font that none of have. I've tried to tell them to use a Western font. To no avail. Score one, Norma!

  3. That Betsy! I knew she was a kinky one.
