Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Nitpickers Weekly, 1929

"Because you care..."

Nitpickers Weekly existed for that very reason.  And it's readership would say "and we care too much, at that."

In this issue, Mrs. Caroline Heenan, of Philipsburg, New York writes "I told my daughter, Peaches Browning not to marry that "Daddy" man because he kept a goose in his sleeping chamber.  Did she listen to me? No!"

Monthly columns included "Do Something with Your Hair", "Just Look At Your Nails", "You Call That A Meal", "If You Only Worked Harder", and "Pay Attention to Your Children".

There was a break in the opinion of the editorial board, causing two malcontent editors who were tired of having their advice ignored.  The founded, Needling Magazine in the summer of 1929.  It survived the Wall Street Crash by converting to a craft periodical.

Nitpickers Weekly ceased publication by the end of 1929, a victim of the Wall Street Panic. Evidently not enough husband's heeded their wives constant, unending advice not to invest in Atwater Kent Radios, the Moon Automobile Company, and Amalgamated Rubber and Tire. And it was either the magazine in her hands or an apple for dinner.

The apple won.


  1. Oooooh. I love this.
    I'm a mouth breather. And I did hear complaints from my mother about it. LOL

    1. I love my mother, but she could nitpick and needle with the best of them.
